Bild: Britta AlthausBild: Britta Althaus
Deine Meinung ist wichtig!
TU-Studierendenbefragung 2023
Ziel der Befragung ist es, gemeinsam die Studienbedingungen und Rahmenbedingungen für ein gelingendes Studium weiter zu verbessern. Die Meinung der Studierenden zum M.Sc. Energy Science and Engineering und den allgemeinen Studienbedingungen sind ein wichtiger Baustein für hochschulstrategische Entscheidungen und die Qualitätssicherung der Studiengänge.
Picture: Adobe Stock/AquariusPicture: Adobe Stock/Aquarius
Sustainable and Resilient Energy for Europe?!
From 6 to 8 December 2022, the international Winter School Energy Science and Engineering will take place in Darmstadt. Under the title “Sustainable and Resilient Energy for Europe?”, 12 experts will present their views on scientific and technical aspects of the production and use of carbon-free and sustainable storage systems as well as socio-economic aspects. Participants will gain a unique insight into current challenges and solutions in an energy landscape that is changing daily.
Common ways out of the gas crisis
Future scenarios of the research field Energy and Environment
In Europe, Germany and Hesse, Russian gas used to stand for security of supply – this certainty is history. What does the future of energy supply look like and what role does science play in the ongoing transformation? Science provides answers.
Picture: Sebastian KeuthPicture: Sebastian Keuth
Directly from Bachelor to PhD
Apply now for the second call of the direct track PhD programme for female students
Are you on track to an exceptional bachelor’s degree in engineering, natural or social sciences? Then we would like to pique your interest in a doctorate! Application for the second call is now open until 1 October 2022.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
Strong instruments, strong research
TU Darmstadt fund supports investment plans
TU Darmstadt is expanding its scientific infrastructure and plans to procure new research equipment for special experiments worth around 3.4 million euros. The equipment will strengthen the scientific work in the TU research fields of Energy and Environment and Matter and Materials.
Hessischer Staatspreis für innovative Energielösungen 2022
Verlängerung der Bewerbungsfrist bis 31.07.2022
Das Hessische Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Wohnen sucht richtungsweisende und kreative Lösungen im ganzen Themenfeld Energie.
Picture: EST/TU DarmstadtPicture: EST/TU Darmstadt
From straw to liquid fuel
TU researchers succeed in conversion without additional energy
Researchers at TU Darmstadt have achieved an important success in the production of sustainable biofuels for the transport sector. With a new gasifier technology, they succeeded for the first time in the world in converting biogenic residues such as wheat straw into materially usable syngas without additional external energy. The process could help move the transport industry towards CO2 neutrality.
Picture: Thomas OttPicture: Thomas Ott
End of Corona-related exceptions
As of 2 April 2022
With the beginning of the summer semester, the Corona-related exceptions will also end. The usual regulations will apply again: Cancellation of the second 2nd examination retake is no longer possible, de-registration from an examination must be made in accordance with the de-registration deadline specified in TUCaN (mostly at the latest 7 days before the examination) and in the event of a later withdrawal from the examination, a doctor's certificate is required. When applying § 59 IV HHG (de-registration due to missing achievements within four semesters), the summer semester 2022 will count again.
Bild: DLRBild: DLR
Abschlussarbeit am DLR zum Thema Wasserstoffnutzung
Beitrag dezentraler Flexibilität der Wasserstoffnutzung zur Energiesystemtransformation in Deutschland
Das DLR-Institut für Vernetzte Energiesysteme in Stuttgart sucht Masterand*innen für eine Abschlussarbeit. Konkret geht es um die Integration von Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen in ein Modellierungsframework.
Netzwirtschaft und Netzbetrieb in der Praxis
Neue Lehrveranstaltung des Fachgebiets E5
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Berg, technischer Geschäftsführer der Syna GmbH in Frankfurt wird ab kommendem Sommersemester die Masterveranstaltung „Netzwirtschaft und Netzbetrieb in der Praxis“ am Fachgebiet Elektrische Energieversorgung unter Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien (E5) anbieten. In der nachfolgenden Videobotschaft stellt sich der neue Lehrbeauftragte kurz vor und gibt Einblicke in die Inhalte der neuen Veranstaltung.