Thomas Weiland Foundation awards scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students
Application deadline: 31 December 2021 or 30 June 2022
The Thomas Weiland Foundation will award 16 scholarships for Bachelor and Master students in the amount of 750 euros per month in 2022. The start of funding is scheduled for 1 April 2022 and 1 October 2022, respectively.
Bild: Gregor RynkowskiBild: Gregor Rynkowski
Quantenchemie für mehr Nachhaltigkeit
Assistenzprofessorin Vera Krewald mit Dr. Hans Messer Stiftungspreis ausgezeichnet
Assistenzprofessorin Dr. Vera Krewald aus dem Fachbereich Chemie und Dr. Meike Saul aus dem Fachbereich Biologie der TU Darmstadt sind mit dem Dr. Hans Messer Stiftungspreis 2021 ausgezeichnet worden. Der Preis ist mit insgesamt 50.000 Euro dotiert. Krewald nutzt quantenchemische Rechnungen, um die Energie- und Rohstoffwende anzutreiben. Saul ist eine Pionierin auf dem aufstrebenden Gebiet der Mikro-RNA- und Exosomforschung.
Georg-Moller-Preis 2021 an Studierende vergeben
Energy Forum Campus Lichtwiese als Thema
Der Georg-Moller-Preis 2021 geht an Benedikt Benker, Clara Dick und Olivia Wahler, weitere Würdigungen erhielten Hannah Zimmermann, Bujar Ahmeti, Til Sommer, Eva Birgelen, Bernadette Lang-Eurisch und Zora Schües. Die von den Studierenden eingereichten Arbeiten, die im Sommersemester 2021 im Fachgebiet Entwerfen und nachhaltiges Bauen unter Leitung von Professor Christoph Kuhn entstanden waren, hatten ein „Energy Forum Campus Lichtwiese“ zum Thema.
Bild: ESEBild: ESE
Money, money, money
Online-Infoveranstaltung zur Studienfinanzierung
Die Sozialberatung des Studierendenwerks organisiert am 7.12.2021 von 16.30 – 18.30 Uhr erneut die Online-Veranstaltung „Money, money, money – Wie kann ich mein Studium finanzieren?“. Verschiedene Referent*innen informieren zu Themen wie Elternunterhalt, BAföG, Stipendien, Kredite, Jobben, Wohngeld und andere Sozialleistungen.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Unite! Virtual Fair for Students
Build your global competence
At the Unite! Virtual Fair on November 3, students can learn about the diverse offerings of the European University Alliance.
Conceptual design and layout of ventilation systems with high heat recovery
Master-/Bachelorthesis in the field of energy efficient construction and energy networking
An energy-optimized ventilation concept is to be designed for the Ludwigshöhenviertel. In particular, the criteria for the dimensioning of active and passive heat recovery are to be worked out. These include, e.g., the parameters of costs, maintenance effort or the ventilation's own energy demand.
Analysis and optimization of a planned energy system in the Ludwigshöhviertel
Master or bachelor thesis in the area of energy efficient construction and networking of energy technologies
As part of the project DELTA (Darmstadt Energy Laboratory for Technologies in Application), the building and energy system model of a district section is currently being created in the simulation software Trnsys. Various energy analyses are to be carried out on the basis of this model.
Extension of the Modelica library “buildings” with components for mapping energy efficiency measures in existing industrial buildings
Master or bachelor thesis in the area of energy efficient construction and networking of energy technologies
As a decision-making basis for the selection of energy efficiency measures, a model library is being created in the project “ETA im Bestand”. The building model is based on the Modelica library “buildings”. This library is to be expanded to include components for mapping existing production buildings and energy efficiency measures on the building side.
Prof. Sorin Huss Fund for students with children
Application for winter term 20201/2022 possible until 1 November 2021
The Prof. Sorin Huss Fund helps students and doctoral candidates of TU Darmstadt with their childcare costs. The funding is intended support parents studying or doing a doctorate, especially in financially critical situations.
How about studying part-time?
Do your master in Energy Science and Engineering in part-time
You can also study our Master's programme part-time. Part-time study is possible if, for example, you are raising children, work alongside your studies (more than 14 hours a week), are self-employed or cannot study full-time due to a disability. The service point “Part-time studies, studying with children” offers an information meeting on the topic on 18 October 2021.