Common ways out of the gas crisis

Future scenarios of the research field Energy and Environment


In Europe, Germany and Hesse, Russian gas used to stand for security of supply – this certainty is history. What does the future of energy supply look like and what role does science play in the ongoing transformation? Science provides answers.

A brochure published by the Energy and Environment (E+E) research field at TU Darmstadt sketches a picture of the energy supply in 2050. The picture reflects today's research by 100 professors, 1,000 doctoral students and many more students for the world of tomorrow.

Download: Think.Link.Do. Lösungswege des Forschungsfeldes E+E (in German) (opens in new tab)

"E+E Diskurs" on 1 December 2022

Gestaltung der Energieversorgung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Innovation und Umsetzung

In the first E+E Diskurs, we will try to illuminate the path from innovation to implementation in the field of energy supply. For this, we are looking forward to four thought leaders. Lessons learned will be shared, methods and technologies will be critically discussed and people will be placed at the centre of the discussion.

Event details (in German)