Picture: E5/TU DarmstadtPicture: E5/TU Darmstadt
Professor Jutta Hanson member of EASAC Energy Steering Panel
EASAC Energy panel provides independent science-based advice to European policy makers
Professor Dr.-Ing. Jutta Hanson who heads the Institute for Electrical Power Supply with Integration of Renewable Energies (E5) at the TU Darmstadt has been appointed as member of the Energy Steering Panel of the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC). Professor Hanson was nominated by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina that hosts the EASAC Secretariat.
Wege ins Ausland – virtuelle Vortragstermine 2021
Infoveranstaltung des Referats Internationale Beziehungen & Mobilität
Eine monatliche Informationsveranstaltung des Refereats Internationale Beziehungen & Mobilität gibt einen ersten Überblick, welche Schritte für die Planung eines Auslandsstudiums wichtig sind.
Picture: Bild: Natalie WockoPicture: Bild: Natalie Wocko
Graduation Scholarship for international students
Application opens 1 April 2021
International students can apply for the performance based scholarship if they are in the final phase of their studies.
Bild: Claus VölkerBild: Claus Völker
Erdwärme aus dem kristallinen Untergrund
Geowissenschaftliche Erkundungen zum Start eines Energieforschungsprojekts
Derzeit lassen Forschende auf dem Campus Lichtwiese auf einigen Quadratmetern jeweils ein paar Sekunden lang die Grasnarbe leicht erzittern – allerdings in Dimensionen, die nicht sichtbar und spürbar sind. Dort wie auf angrenzenden Waldwegen führt das Fachgebiet Angewandte Geothermie der TU Darmstadt gemeinsam mit dem Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik aus Hannover vibrationsseismische Messungen des Untergrundes durch. Die von der Naturschutzbehörde genehmigten Arbeiten dienen der Vorbereitung des Verbundforschungsprojekts „Saisonal gekoppelter kristalliner Erdwärmesondenspeicher“.
Open PhD positions in the etzoldlab
Several PhD positions with relation to technical electrochemistry
Within the etzoldlab (Prof. Etzold, Technische Chemie 1, TU Darmstadt) there are several PhD positions with relation to technical electrochemistry open. These can be filled with chemists or chemical engineers with a good foundation in electrochemistry.
Darmstadt Energy Prize 2021
Award ceremony on 23 March 2021
The Darmstadt Energy Prize 2021 will be awarded on 23 March 2021 as virtual event. The prizes will be awarded for theses with energy-related topics at the TU Darmstadt.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
Quantum chemistry for more sustainability
ADUC Prize for theoretical chemist Dr. Vera Krewald – Focus on energy related processes
Professor Vera Krewald who heads a group for theoretical chemistry at the TU Darmstadt focuses on processes of the energy transition. She has now been awarded by the Association of German University Professors for Chemistry (ADUC) for establishing her new research area.
Prof. Christian Hasse elected Fellow of the Combustion Institute
Significant contributions to turbulent combustion, solid fuel combustion, multi-phase flow and soot formation
The International Combustion Institute has announced their 2021 Class of Fellows. Professor Christian Hasse who heads the Institute for Simulation of reactive Thermo-Fluid Systems at TU Darmstadt has been honoured for his significant contributions to turbulent combustion, solid fuel combustion, multi-phase flow and soot formation.
Picture: Stefan Wildhirt/LEA HessenPicture: Stefan Wildhirt/LEA Hessen
Energy management made in Darmstadt
The TU spin-off etalytics utilizes an AI-based cloud platform
Efficient and sustainable? Conventional control processes for energy systems are extremely limited when it comes to these criteria. This is why etalytics GmbH has developed a data and AI-based energy management system that supports users with the optimisation of their energy systems. And their business model is as innovative as the technology: This spin-off from TU Darmstadt – which is being supported by the HIGHEST Startup and Innovation Center at TU Darmstadt and a broad network of contacts – plans to launch its product on the market this year and then distribute it as a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution.
13th Darmstadt Energy Conference
Green New Deal – Multidisciplinary aspects of a successfull energy transition
The Darmstadt Energy Conference takes place on 23 February 2021 as a digital event. This year's title is “Green New Deal – Multidisciplinary aspects of a successful energy transition”. Interested parties from research, teaching, business and the public sector are invited to gather and exchange information on current and exciting topics related to the energy transition.