1st Online Workshop on Sustainable Thermoelectrics
June 29th, 2020; 09:00 a.m.
Resilient energy conversion technologies and the related materials resources are requested in times like the corona crisis. It reveals the ever-increasing dependence on international supply chains. Local and autarky energy supply technologies would be a solution for this dependence. One of those technologies is the thermoelectricity – the direct conversion of waste heat (e.g. solar or geothermal) into electricity. To promote the exchange of knowledge between university, scientific institutes and industry on the field of thermoelectric as well as the possibility to discuss future co-operations we invite you all to our first ONLINE Workshop on Sustainable Thermoelectrics.
Participants interested in contributing oral are invited to submit abstracts.
Date: June 29th, 2020; 09:00 a.m.
Venue: Zoom online meeting
Registration fee: free
Contact: Wenjie Xie, Phone: +0049 6151 1625875
Workshop Program
TU Darmstadt | Fachgebiet MR | Alarich-Weiss-Str. 2 | 64287 Darmstadt
Opening and keynote (Chair: Anke Weidenkaff)
09:00 – 09:05 Opening address, Anke Weidenkaff
09:05 – 09:35 Claudia Felser, Topology and thermoelectric
New mechanism in TE (Chair: Anke Weidenkaff)
09:35 – 10:00 Takao Mori, Utilizing magnetism and other principles to enhance thermoelectric properties
10:00 – 10:25 Sylvie Hebert, Interplay between magnetism and Seebeck coefficient in some oxides and sulfides'
10:25 – 10:50 Tiejun Zhu, Carrier grain boundary scattering in thermoelectric materials
10:50 – 11:00 Break
Oxides and their application (Chair: Anke Weidenkaff)
11:00 – 11:25 Ryoji Funahashi, Example of thermoelectrics in the nonelectrified place
11:25 – 11:50 Andrei Kovalevsky, Thermoelectric oxides: challenges and selected approaches for materials design
11:50 – 12:15 Armin Feldhoff, Thermoelectric oxides: Materials and generators
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch Break
Theory (Chair: Wenjie Xie)
13:30 – 13:55 Jiong Yang, Materials Genome Methods and the Applications in Thermoelectrics
13:55 – 14:20 Hongbin Zhang, High-throughput Screening for Novel Two-Dimensional Thermoelectric Materials
Silicides and others (Chair: Wenjie Xie)
14:20 – 14:45 Johannes de Boor, Light-weight and environmentally friendly thermoelectric generators based on Mg2(Si,Sn): material optimization and contact development
14:45 – 15:10 Yury Kolenko, Unconventional thermoelectrics from colloidal nanocrystals
15:10 – 15:35 Jiri Hejtmanek, Thermoelectric performance of chalcopyrite
15:35 – 15:50 Break
Complex TE (Chair: Wenjie Xie)
15:50 – 16:15 Juergen Nuss, In search of thermoelectric phosphides
16:15 – 16:40 Jian He, An “entropic” view of thermoelectric materials research
Heusler and Topological TE (Chair: Anke Weidenkaff)
16:40 – 17:05 Jeffrey Snyder, Valence Balance and Orbital Chemistry in Heusler Thermoelectrics
17:05 – 17:30 Ran He, Unveiling the phonon scattering mechanisms in half-Heusler thermoelectric compounds
17:30 – 17:55 Qiang Li, Topological Thermoelectrics: Past, Present and Future
17:55 – 18:00 closing remarks, Anke Weidenkaff
TU Darmstadt | Fachgebiet MR | Alarich-Weiss-Str. 2 | 64287 Darmstadt
If you would like to participate, please send a confirmation email before June 28, 2020.